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For more information please contact:

Ron Heiskell

Email: ron@reducedeffort.com

ph: 209-814-9198

"The event exceeded my expectations, because I did not expect to reduce time while reducing effort.  It is amazing what can be accomplished if we change the way we think.  This event should be part of any training program, because you can apply these principles to everything we do.  This training changed my perspective of looking at things and showed me the true meaning of teamwork.  Your class was a wonderful experience."

Hiram Ayala, Production Supervisor , Major Bottling Company

“The plant experienced a 43% and 50% reduction in change over downtime on their 2 lines.  I’m thrilled to see the huge reductions in change over times on each line.  This process reduced losses, drives up operating efficiency, and makes the operation safer.  What a great combination!!!!!!”

Rick McDonald, Dir. of Manufacturing

Major household cleaning products company

“This event has completely exceeded all prior expectations.  This was unlike any process improvement I have ever been a part of.  I really don’t know if I could put a value on this training because this event will change my life for the next 50-60 years. This process could be applied to any and all aspects of work and life.  I am very glad I was able to attend this class.  Ron has taught me more than I could say.....Wow, what an eye opening week.”

Brad Miller, Event participant, Major Beverage Bottler

©2007 - 2011 Reduced Effort Inc.  All rights reserved    

Phone: 1-209-814-9198                        Email:  ron@reducedeffort.com